How to Become a Channel Partner With Yaadi Store

In this document we have explained a step by step process for Channel Partner registration & Referral process on Yaadi Store website.

How does the channel partner program work?

The channel partner program handles the channel partner accounts by tracking which channel partners have referred visitors to the website, and rewards them with a specific commission based on what the referred visitor did on the website (purchases, sign ups, etc).

channel partners use the channel partner referral link/URL to promote current website or products. Specific channel partners are tracked because their IDs or usernames are appended to their URL, therefore the system can track which channel partner link brought a customer to your website. If the customer successfully completes a conversion (i.e. a sale, or a form submission), a referral will be generated and the channel partner will be awarded a commission.

Channel Partner Registration Process

Step 1: Open chrome browser

Step 2: type in the url and press enter.

Step 3: Wait for the homepage to load and click on the menu Channel Partner -> Channel Partner Registration

Step 4: Channel Partner registration form will open, fill up the form. 

Step 5: Read and accept terms & conditions. then click register.

Step 6: Success page will load, and your submitted information will be verified within few days, now you can close the page, after successful verification you will be able to login from the menu again.

Channel Partner Login Process

Step 1: Open chrome browser

Step 2: type in the url and press enter.

Step 3: Wait for the homepage to load and click on the menu Channel Partner -> Channel Partner Login

Step 4: Channel Partner login form will open, fill up the form using your email id, password & press login. 

Step 5: Channel Partner dashboard will open, in channel partner dashboard you will see the following things –

  1. Your profile picture – your uploaded picture
  2. Started date – Channel Partner joining date
  3. Referrals count – Total referrels count
  4. Earnings – Earnings till now
  5. Manu  –
    1. Dashboard – Dashboard shortcut link
    2. Profile – Edit your profile, change your password, Payout details
    3. Marketing – Your affiliate link, campaigns, creatives
    4. Referrels – Here you will see all your Rewards and Commission that will be received based on your activity. Start your Affiliate campaing to earn commission.
    5. Payments – Here you will see all your proceeded Withdrawn once your earnings will be paid to your payment account.
    6. Wallet – You can deposit your unpaid referrals in your wallet. You can select a service and an amount to deposit, then you will receive a coupon for that service for that amount, which you can use to purchase items etc.
    7. Reports – Traffic log, campaign report, referrals history
    8. Help
    9. Logout

Channel Partner Link Sharing Process

Step 1: Open chrome browser

Step 2: type in the url and press enter.

Step 3: Wait for the homepage to load and click on the menu Channel Partner -> Channel Partner Login

Step 4: Channel Partner login form will open, fill up the form using your email id, password & press login. 

Step 5: Channel Partner dashboard will open, in channel partner dashboard you will see the following things, scroll down a bit.

after scroll down you will see opportunities. click on any opportunity and follow the given instructions.

Main Menu